Baltimore Gun Crime Defense Attorneys

Every U.S. state has its own laws on the books for carrying, transporting, and using guns. Although the second amendment protects your right to bear arms, it can be legally difficult to do so if you don’t know the law. Simply owning a firearm has many requirements. In Maryland, you can be charged with a gun crime if you do not follow very specific protocols. Gun crimes result in heavy fines for misdemeanors, and long prison sentences for felonies. The type of firearm used is also a factor in sentences upon conviction. If your gun crime charge is a repeat offense, or if you have a criminal record, you could face life in prison.

Because gun laws in our state are among the strictest in the nation, it’s important to have our skilled Baltimore criminal defense attorneys by your side to help fight any charges. At Scheuerman Law, LLC, we provide aggressive advocacy for our clients facing criminal charges.

Accused of a gun crime in Maryland? Contact our firm for the experienced legal counsel you need.

Understanding Maryland Gun Laws

Violent crimes are not the only way to get arrested for a gun crime. In fact, it is illegal to wear, carry, or transport a handgun either openly or concealed without a valid permit. Of course, it is also illegal to carry or transport a gun with the deliberate intent to injure or kill another person, per Maryland Criminal Code Ann. § 4-203. Under certain circumstances, you may be legally permitted to transport a gun if it is unloaded and carried in an enclosed case, such as taking the firearm from a legal place of sale or a repair shop.

Examples of Gun Crimes in Maryland include:

  • Carrying a firearm: Illegally carrying a firearm is a misdemeanor in Maryland, and penalties may include up to 3 years in jail and fines up to $2,500, if it is a first offense. Second and subsequent gun crime convictions can carry prison sentences up to 10 years.
  • Unlawful possession of a firearm: Previously convicted felons or drug users may not possess guns or ammunition of any kind. Those convicted of this gun crime may be sentenced to a prison term of up to 10 to 15 years.
  • Owning an assault pistol: Assault pistols are illegal to own, use or sell in Maryland, under code § 4-301. You may be subject to up to 3 years in prison for a conviction, as well as a fine up to $5,000.
  • Possession of destructive devices: It is illegal to possess a machine gun, sawed-off shotgun or rifle, or a silencer. Conviction can result in 10 years of imprisonment.

Contact Our Firm Today

Accused of gun charges in Maryland? With more than two decades of combined legal experience, we are prepared to strategize a defense on your behalf. Each case is unique, and our legal team will examine the circumstances of your arrest and inform you of your legal options. For example, if you were illegally searched, you may be able to have your charges dropped.

Contact us today for a free case evaluation at (443) 888-2062